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Saturday, March 31, 2007

Mueheh! Me again, two posts in one hour.Geng leh? Ngo hou hou sai lei! Sailang! Anyway guess what? Today's our Anniversary again. I'm loving it. But sadly, sigh, got pretty bad news. It's not that I wanna announce it here, but since I know nobody else except the close ones are reading this blog, so I'm going to share my dilemma. Rue Bee is... she's pregnant. Oh I'm so screwed man. How am I going to face the world? How oh how? God please save me. Please oh please. How guys? What should I do? I'm still studying dammit. Sigh. I'm so fu*ked. Sorry baby, I'm really really sorry. It was a darn mistake. Anyway, I have no mood to blog anymore, good day.
Muaks, why? *sigh*

Muaks, I'm sorry to disappoint you all. *sigh*

Muaks, I'm sorry Pilipi, I really am. *sigh*

Sorry baby, I will be responsible for it. I promise. I love you.

Bloody fools, it's April's Fool la ma cibet. You all believe means really ding dong. Haha! At least I know those few who kena conned! Muahahahahaha! I'll list down later. Please la, have faith in me and Rue Bee okay! We're clean clean clean! Kishie kishie doesn't mean dirty dirty ok! Ngek ngek! Happy Anniversary Baby-zhi! Can't wait to dine with you tonight. Take care in Seremban okay? I'll mish you. Please drink more water, and in case anything happen, I'm just one call away. I love you.


Saturday, March 10, 2007

What is life without Quo Quo Mei Mei?
Oh gosh! Freaking long never update. Haha! Now since I'm so awake at 4.30 a.m with no motivation at all to continue my design, so blog is what I should do. Muehehe! Listening to Disney Mulan songs make me all pumped up! Huk huk huk! Anyway let me recap on the month of March. March 9 is Sharon's birthday, aww wished we could have done it bigger. March 18, Kelly's birthday, cibet lu De Silva. Hehe! Finally, jeng jeng jeng... Miss Quo Lu Mei's birthday! Muaks muaks muaks muaks, lub you non stop. Well, we had a long day, and her dearest cousins join us. Wonderful companions. Around 1 p.m (which was supposed to be 12 p.m, standard arh Winston time), we took off from SS14 to KTM station, then bla bla bla, we reached KLCC around 2 p.m. Bloody hell, toilets there damn hard to find, whack you whack you KLCC. We had 1901 anjing panas. Sedap plus camwhores. Ngek ngek! Then we zoomed off to Akuaria a.s.a.p. Basically, I saw a lot of Sheareen's in the Reptile section la. Haha! Anyway we discovered few celebrities in the aquarium, cool eh. You all should go check it out. Got 'Angelina Jolie'. It's impossible to miss her. Then we went back to Subang and took off to 1 Utama immediately for SUSHI BUFFET!! Arigato sedap tak tahan desu! So many varieties, we all damn 'warm warm chicken shit', haha! Say wanna stay til' 10, but 8 also stomach look like pregnant four months already. But we all had fun, didn't we? It was freaking awesome! Let's do it again. Oh yeah yeah! Anyway, this is only the summary. These are the conclusions:-

1) I can take better pictures than Kelly.
2) I can make a jelly stand with my tongue.
3) My LuBee freaking pretty on that day.
4) We're a bunch of... okay fine. I'm a camera addict. Non-stop taking pictures.
5) Totally new dating experience to Akuaria and Sushi Buffet. My darling got my virginity!
6) Reen walks really slow even with sports shoe.
7) Reen and Shelly look like twins in certain pictures.
8) Nick can't eat more than 10 California Rolls.
9) I rock.
10) My car can fit 8 humans.
11) Shelly not very good in rhyming, so am I.
12) We tried different ways of Mafia under the table but failed.
13) The menu doesn't like me and Michy because the printing was blur for us!
14) Shogun Restaurant don't have a toilet.
15) The cousins like 'Fergalicious' by Fergie.
16) I rock again.
17) Rue Bee rocks my world.
18) Definitely feel like a family on that day. :)

Oh oh~ Hakuna Matata, what a wonderful phrase~ Disney cartoon songs rock! Haha! An absolute beautiful outing. I love you Quak Rue Bee. I hope you had fun. Pictures time for you all.

This is why this blog is named MuakzMuaksParadise, okay?!

Lubee with wings :D. Sweet as coconut.

Ahaks! Bite it off, bite it bite it! Lomantic leh?! If lu sibeh boh song, wa pukul le punya kacheng.

Akuaria crews.

In the tunnel, shallow mellow. Hehe cutesy.

The fellowship of the sushi buffet!

Ngehehehehe! 'Threesomem' in the comuter. XD

This is why I said they look like twins.

The best promoter award goes to Chiew Kelly, but sexiest girlfriend award goes to Lubee la!

Let me introduce my friend to you all, this is Sheareen. Haha! Jk jk.


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Faith and Trust
Lol, it's 2.38a.m now, but I'm still awake after a long day. Why? Hehe! Initially I wanted to sleep, but I saw Gubra on TV which was half way already. So I just checked it out and got attached to the storyline. Anyway, the freaking bastard low class jerk husband is an absolute f*cktard. Cheaters shall die and burn in hell and serve to satan and shat out by him. Me myself here is dying to grow up ASAP so that I can really really marry Baby-Zhi, lucky and jack bugger. I hate him. Who the heck he thinks he is? Women are definitely not a piece of meat for guys to play around. Bug off! The women he cheated on, was pitiful but stupid. After he officially caught red-handed, then only start appreciating, and begging for forgiveness. That also actually behind the wife, still contacting the girl secretly. Ahh!! I hate them, I hate cheaters! Die die die die die!

Anyway, my cleber girlfriend just went back to hometown for 3 days 2 nights. Gosh I'm telling you, it's torturing! I miss her like shit. Even though unfortunately, we fought over something which I really don't wanna remember anymore. But don't get me wrong, I still love her like nobody's business even during we argue. But this is not the point, the point is I'm sorry. I promise I'll be the best damn boyfriend in the world for you. :) At least I'll try my bestest best. Sorry dear for these few rough moments, I don't wanna recall it anymore. So I shall just drop this. I just want you to know, I love you so darn much 'til it hurts myself sometimes. I feel insecure at times because you are so darn beautiful inside out. I love you so much, that I wanna shout and show you to the world, because I'm the luckiest man on earth. But sometimes, I also wanna hide you away, so that no one else in this world can be attracted to you and take you away from me. No doubt, there are loads of better man in this big ass world. But but, even though I'm not the best and at the same time I want you to have the best, I still never going to let you go. Nuh-uh! I said this a couple of times already, but but I don't want you to forget okay? Sometimes I might do silly stuffs which provoke you, but please keep in mind that whatever I do, I just want the best for you. I hope you won't assume that I'm complaining or unhappy when I said something. I'm not that kind of guy. I'm a guy who loves you, and willing to catch the stars for you. Everything I do, I do it for you. I do silly jokes sometimes, because I still want us to run after each other like primary school kids. I know you miss them too. Whatever I gave you, not because I pity you. I just want to replace back the happiness you lost when you were far younger and everyday until eternity. Scares me to shit just the thought that you're not by my side. I'd rather go first than you. But but if I do, you will be sad. I'd rather be sad than you be. Oh no! Haha! What should I do? Let's die together peacefully on a bed side by side holding each other hands firmly. Haha!

Ikan tenggiri, ikan yu,
Jaga diri, I love you.

Lol! Good night people. I'm crazy. Ignore me. Ngeh ngeh!


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!
Hello! As you all know, today's Valentine's Day! Wee! I love you very much Baby-zhi. Just wanna tell you that, I've never ever love you any less since a year ago. Instead, my love towards you has grown a lot. Through the ups and downs, I started to know who you really are deep inside. And I'm glad to tell you that, I love you a lot inside out. I love you without knowing how, when, or from where. I love you straight forwardly without any complexity and pride. I love you because I have no other way than this. Sometimes I look back from where we begun, indeed it's a miracle. I thank God everyday for where I am right now, which is in your heart. And guess what people? We just got married! Muahaha! How you wonder? Here's how.

Oh oh, my car broke down today, so I was really rushing to prepare for the wedding. Lots of problems occuring last minute. However all went well. Car still in college, alone. Hehe.

Oh, this is taken outside the wedding palace. We were registering our marriage and at the same time, changing to proper attires. Hehe! S-excited to the max! I love you Baby-zhi.

This is right before we were announced married. I just want to convince her for the last time that marrying me is the right thing to do. See see kena reject baru tahu! Haha! Last minute kish-ash.

Wow! The unexpected one. The wedding vow I suppose? It's long, and it's MapleStory! Haha! Look at her, she's sitting down already. How cute and layzieeee! XD

Owh, my papa-in-law's greetings. Haha! He bought us a bubble rain, and love icons which actually cost some real RM here. Nice Papa, too bad he's colourblind. Haha kidding. Not funny ok!

Aww, wedding kish. How I wish for a real one. Hehe! I love you baby. So remember dear, whenever we fought or you feel discouraged, I do love you all the time! Even when I'm in the toilet pee-ing or crapping, or arguing. I still very very very extremely, definitely, obviously in love with you. I dream about you almost every night. And everytime when I do, I never wanna wake up because it's always cweeet! Happy Valentine's Day Baby-zhi. Sorry not as fancy as last year's presents due to hectic schedules and future planning. I love you, Quak Rue Bee.


Saturday, February 10, 2007

Kiss Goodbye!
She just left, ah! No big deal what. Freaking just eight hours away. No problem at all! Wet wet water! I wish I could say and react this way. But it's impossible to do so. Why? I'll tell you why. Em leaving is like a big chunk of your heart went missing. Sob sob, now that she's gone, I'm sure everyone regrets for not doing something for her while she's here. Even I myself wish I could do more. Bak pepatah, sebelum keluar dari rumah, memikirlah pasal bontot lemah, kerana lebih baik berak di jamban dari di jalan. Hehe! Nice leh, I made it up myself. Never know will appear in form 1 syllabus next time. Anyway what I'm trying to say is that, we humans usually only know how to appreciate after we've lost it. In this case, we lost Em, physically. Well, think of it in the bright side. I'm happy for her because going out of Malaysia is what she always wanted. I'm glad it all came true for her. What's worse is the sobbing fest in the airport. It's so darn touching. I guarantee you if you're right there, Korean dramas are zero comparing to this. I felt happy and sad at the same time. I'm so proud of everyone, such a loving family. Oh! I also owe Em a hug. Sobbie. What a deep shiet. Bak pepatah, cuci bontot sebelum basi, kalau tidak mesti pecah hati. Hehe! Don't worry yah Em. Since I've sinned against you at the very last minute, I will do my very very best to take care of everyone here, your loved ones. I'll take very very very very good care of Lubee, and provide advises and helping hand to your sisters and cousins. Also, Ama is in good hand too! Ngeh ngeh! Anyway, your family is a great family. Admire it to the max. Well! Since you've left us with loads of cweeeet memories, so we're going to give you our last salute for your journey.

Blood runs thicker than water.

Lalagang gives more allergy than seafood especially prawn.

Piak piak piak, clap hands to our leader, good good good friend, sister, daughter, grand-daughter, cousin, and Westlife freak. Bang! *Shoots to the sky* So please take good care of yourself, keep in touch with everyone okay. Everyone's missing you like nobody's business. We'll pray for you. Cheer up everyone! We shall save loads of money, and fly to reunite once again. Till then, let's keep our faith and chin up, and kick 'Hard Work' ass. Huk huk! RM 20,000 to go! Oh ya! Also one more thing, please please please start appreciating each other. Especially you all cousins. Please I beg of you. Friends can be fake and temporary but family can never be fake and it will last forever. I mean it! So please, compromise and appreciate each other. Haven't losing Em *physically* made you all realize life is too short for this? Please! Set your priorities right okay? I believe in all of you. Peace out, double dabeliu. Haha!


Sunday, February 4, 2007

Somebody's somebody
Time is running out, yet even with such intense desire to make something happen, still nothing can be done in such a short period of time. Then guilt starts to burst out in you, for not making the best out of it when you had it. This feeling is so painful, it makes you just wanna dump everything aside just for another extra day. Sometimes I figure, how can actually peer pressure works so hard on someone. Birthday and farewell, isn't it obvious? Where is the love? I never felt so sure about the choice I made before, never regretted and so glad. Anyway Em, take care alright? I know it's not easy and it's definitely something new to you, but at least I know who is fully supporting you. All these while, Rub did not forsake you before. Sometimes she told me she misses you. But without telling me all the time, I know she misses you all the times. And your two "tough" sisters, I can definitely feel how much they're missing you already. I go back and start thinking in the dark. I can feel the pain everyone's going through especially Rub. It's so torturing. I used to have sisters leaving, but there are differences. The closeness is nowhere to be found. Unfortunately, things have gone haywire a little, urm, okay maybe a lot. But still, I just want you to know, blood runs thicker than water. Your family is still your family. I'm not going to even try to steal one bit. I don't know, I have so much to make up to you, but I don't know where or how to start. Just take really good care of yourself there. It's gonna be hard, cuz' I know I can't just simply drive to bring Rub, your sisters, and the one you wished to see for you anymore. I would like to apologize now if I have offended you in any way. Everyone misses you a lot already. This girl over here, is the beginning of where I am now. I thank you so much, and you're the intro to everything, I mean such as Lalagang and all. Anyway, I ain't gonna lie, this girl is a little badass also. Ngek! You're not expecting it right? Muahaha! When first met, I can't never possibly hear you swear. Freaking evolve into an evil ass already. Haha! Just kidding, Westlife still .. su.. rocks la. Take care, and make sure you got eat enough, else we'll be here waiting for you. Kick your ass to the max. The future is a long way to go, I'm pretty sure someday we all will reunite. Hopefully forever. Okay? Silly turtle-neck-gal-who-sat-on-my-leg. We'll pray for you. Ciao cin ciao!

P.s: Happy 13th month anniversary dear, but I know this month is a disaster to you. Not going to make it big, but I love you a lot.


Sunday, January 7, 2007

Everything shall be perfect.

I'm a clever girl. See.It's all perfect dear. Lol. Anyway, let me share something with you guys. I have no idea what to share. Lol. I'll show pictures instead. Soon.

Me and Mr See. We had absolutely and totally no clue that we'll be where we are now. We started out as friends. Then we got really close. Frequent calls. We will be beside each other when we go out. Lol. I think i was kind of transparent to everyone except Winston See =_= "

Although one year might be nothing to some people but this one year has really taught us alot. Compromise. Understanding to each other and we're still learning everyday. It hasn't been easy but it has been a worthwhile ride. And i'm hoping the ride doesn't stop =)

I'm quite a lousy gf actually. I think Mr see has spent an atrocious sum of money on me and what i gave him in return is not even half of what he gave me. The ka-chings are ringing bells in my head. I had a splendid Valentine's. The effort. It's really sweet. Not to mention time consuming. Haha. So pictures time now. I shall shut up.

Lol. I have nothing to say. Ignore that.I had tuition yesterday. My teacher was good. I'm sure the other classes will be good as well. haha. So yes, before you all die of boredom. I shall put pictures. Enjoy.

My charmbracelet watch

Lol. Kim Gary's



My Valentine Roses.

Our valentine's gift combined.

Our Slaves.LOL

Hehe. Rainforest Days.

I Love You. Muakz.